Baby D Makes Three

born December 27, 2012

Coraline’s birth story

disclaimer: this is a birth story. there are some parts that might be graphic and descriptive. also, it’s long.

I went to bed on December 26th convinced I was going to be the first pregnant woman to stay pregnant forever. this baby was never coming. I was uncomfortable to say the least and as much as I had loved the experience of being pregnant, I was ready to not be pregnant anymore. I dreamt all night that I was in labor. I dreamt how I would cope with the contractions and how labor would progress. I woke up on December 27th around 7 am with a very intense, painful contraction. immediately, I knew that this was different from the braxton hicks contractions I had been experiencing. I poured a bowl of cereal, knowing I needed to eat well before active labor set in. as the contractions got stronger, and more painful, I did the dishes, and started to pick up some things around the house, and soon realized this was not going to go as I had planned. this was not a slow build up of contractions where I could get things accomplished in between them. they were already around 5 minutes apart. the first ones were around 30 seconds long but they were growing longer quickly.

at 8 am, I knew this was not false labor, so I called J at work and told him he needed to come home. I thought about getting in the bath, but the idea of laying down, even in the tub sounded excruciatingly painful, so I got in the shower instead. when J got home he jumped in the shower as well, since we knew we would be heading to the hospital at some point that day.

I spent the next hour getting dressed and trying to relax through contractions using all of the techniques we had learned in our birthing classes. I was trying all of the positions that seemed like they would relieve some of the pain, but it was getting to be too much. the only position that really helped was standing with my arms around J’s neck and giving him some of my weight. Β I even got sick from the pain. we decided to try to go for a walk at around 9:40 or 9:45 and I made it to the end of the driveway before a huge contraction stopped us and I decided I couldn’t do it.

in my plan for how I wanted to labor, it was really important to me to stay home as long as possible, because I was worried that the earlier we got to the hospital, the more impatient the doctors and nurses would become and the more interventions we would receive. but at this point, I was in far too much pain to contemplate staying at home any longer. at this point, I was feeling very discouraged with how I was handling labor. how was I going to have the pain medication-free birth experience I so wanted, if I couldn’t even handle early labor at home for more than three hours?

we left for the hospital and I had four strong contractions on the way there, on what was probably a 10 minute car ride and sitting in the car for those was excruciating. J dropped me off at the door, and I made it to a bench in the lobby before the next contraction hit. J parked the car and met me in the lobby to get me to the labor and delivery unit. at 10:08, a nurse met us at the front desk and led us to triage where I continued having strong contractions. she gave me a gown and had me go to the restroom to change. I was in so much pain I could barely get out of my clothes, let alone get into the hospital gown. at this point, I was having an emotional breakdown. I was going to have to ask for the epidural because I knew most first labors lasted anywhere from 12 to 24 hours and there was no way I was going to be able to last for that long. I was asked some admission questions including was this my first child and as soon as we said yes, I could tell the nurses were thinking, mhmm, she can’t be in that much pain. but at my next contraction, when the nurse in the area next area heard my breathing, she excused herself from her patient to hook me up to monitor my contractions. at this point, it was getting really hard to breathe through them, and J had to continue to remind me to breathe and not to hold my breath. laying in the hospital bed seemed to make the contractions stronger. my original nurse came back in the room to check my cervix for dilation and as she checks me she says “Oh my goodness!” which freaked J and I out so much. then she says “you are at a 9, let’s have this baby!” J and I were in shock at this point. no wonder I hadn’t been handling early labor well at home. I was in active labor, and possibly even in transition.

things started happening really quickly around me at this point. J called our parents to let them know that I was in labor, at the hospital and the baby would be here soon. they wheeled me in the triage bed into labor and delivery, and called dr. L. in the labor and delivery room, the nurses were preparing everything and I was just trying to wrap my head around the fact that I was so close to having this baby. J was doing an amazing job keeping me breathing and holding my hand. he kept telling me how amazing I was doing and that we were going to get to meet our daughter soon, which really helped me get through. I started feeling a lot of pressure as well as the pain, and my water broke which I thought would relieve some of the pressure but it actually made it worse. I started feeling the urge to push and the nurse told me to try a couple of practice pushes with her but then they had me stop pushing and try to pant instead of pushing. that was so hard. my body needed to push. dr. L arrived and I could finally start pushing again. at this point, dr. L needed to manually turn Cora because she was sunny side up. I can’t even tell you how excruciating that pain was, but the nurses told me later that it was really lucky for me that dr. L knew to do this, otherwise I would have pushed for hours before she was born.

I pushed through 3 contractions and she was born at 11:21 am. an hour and 13 minutes after we had arrived at the hospital. and 4 hours and 21 minutes after I realized I was in labor. when Coraline was measured and weighed, she wasΒ 6 pounds, 15 ounces, and 19.5 inches long.

Coraline was immediately placed on my stomach and I got to put my hands on her and look at her while the nurses wiped her off with a towel. J cut the cord and she was moved to my chest and covered with a warming blanket for some skin to skin time. at this point, I was a mess, crying so hard. I was just so happy to see this perfect little girl that I had dreamed about for the past 9 months finally here with me.

while Cora and I had skin to skin, dr. L delivered my placenta and stitched me up – I had needed an episiotomy during the labor.

I am so thankful that I was able to labor and deliver our baby without pain medication. I so wanted to have that experience, but I had been really anxious and scared about the pain – I had no idea what to expect. it was the most painful experience of my life. but it was also the most rewarding. all that pain had a beautiful purpose.Β the labor and delivery nurses commented that I must have a very high tolerance for pain, and that I was obviously made to have babies. Dr. L commented to J during the delivery that he’d better pay attention in case he needed to deliver the next one since Cora came so quickly.

we were able to have a couple of hours recovering and Cora breastfed for the first time. she is a great eater and I think the class we took and all of the information I read about breastfeeding really helped. the nurses and hospital staff came back in to do the admitting paperwork at this point since my labor was so fast, there hadn’t been enough time to admit me before hand.

J stayed right by our side the whole time we were recovering and we held our baby girl together and talked to her for the first time in the outside world. J had also brought me a present to the hospital – a pair of beautiful earrings to match a necklace he had given me for Christmas three years earlier. what an amazing husband he is.


welcome baby

IMG_20121227_114317Coraline Jane was born on December 27th, 2012 at 11:21 am. she weighed 6 pounds 15 ounces and measured 19.5 inches at birth.

she is perfect in every way. J and I have never been more exhausted, or filled with so much happiness. it is an amazing, indescribable feeling, becoming a parent. and we are loving every moment.

I am working on writing her birth story but honestly, snuggling with her is way more fun than blogging so that is why it is taking a little longer than I had anticipated to get it done.


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Bump Update: 39 Weeks

39 Weeks

How far along? 39 weeks

Baby’s size: watermelon (19 to 22 inches, 7 pounds according to what to expect)

Total weight gain: 40 pounds

Maternity clothes: yes

Stretch marks? still there

Sleep: awful πŸ˜›

Best moment this week: it was a good week. my mom came to visit me and we had lunch, we went and looked at Christmas lights, and my aunt and cousins came to see us today. it’s been a good week.

Food cravings: nothing this week

Food aversions: nothing this week

Gender: sweet baby girl

Symptoms: the braxton hicks contractions are picking up, the backache is miserable, and I’m tired all the time. but there can’t be too much time left of this πŸ™‚

Belly Button in or out? still in. this makes me extremely happy.

Wedding rings on or off? off

Happy or Moody most of the time: I’m so happy that we are getting closer and closer to meeting our little girl, but my hormones are going crazy and I’ve been pretty moody too.

Looking forward to: meeting my daughter πŸ™‚

What I miss: sleep and sushi, but not for much longer – well, the sushi that is. I’m sure I will be missing sleep for some time to come.

Movement: she is still moving all around in there. mostly pressing her booty or her feet up into my ribs and making my belly go lopsided.

Doctor’s appointment: went well – had my first internal check and was not dilated or effaced at all yet (bummer), but dr. L is very pleased with what he is seeing on the ultrasound. next appointment is this coming thursday.

and for fun, here is the bump at 9, 19, 29, and 39 weeks – wow πŸ˜›


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Bump Update: 38 Weeks

38 Weeks

How far along? 38 weeks

Baby’s size: watermelon (19 to 22 inches, 6.5 pounds according to what to expect)

Total weight gain: 37 pounds

Maternity clothes: yes, even those are starting to get a little small πŸ˜›

Stretch marks? still there

Sleep: not comfortable, but at least now that I’m on maternity leave, I’m getting more of it

Best moment this week: I sewed a nursing cover and I’m really proud of how it turned out

Food cravings: chocolate chip cookies πŸ˜›

Food aversions: nothing this week

Gender: baby girl

Symptoms: shortness of breath, fatigue, pain in my hips and back; definite increase in the braxton hicks contractions, they are getting more painful too.

Belly Button in or out? still in

Wedding rings on or off? off

Happy or Moody most of the time: feeling pretty cranky. sort of done with being pregnant πŸ˜›

Looking forward to: having this baby

What I miss: won’t have to miss things for too much longer πŸ™‚

Movement: she’s still moving all around, especially when the braxton hicks contractions kick in, she really doesn’t like being squeezed like that πŸ˜›

Doctor’s appointment: our tuesday appointment was canceled because dr. L was in emergency surgery. I’m amazed it was the first time that has happened to us this whole pregnancy. so we went on thursday and dr. L said baby girl looks perfect, and everything looks amazing. she had pulled a little foot right in front of her face so that can’t be comfortable. hopefully she puts it back where it belongs soon πŸ˜›

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Bump Update: 37 Weeks

37 Weeks

How far along?Β 37 weeks – we are full term! baby girl, whenever you are ready to meet us, your daddy and I are more than ready to meet you!

Baby’s size: according to what to expect: watermelon (19 to 22 inches, 6.5 pounds). at the doctor’s appointment on tuesday she was 5 pounds 11 ounces

Total weight gain: 36 pounds

Maternity clothes: yes

Stretch marks? yes, boo

Sleep: well now that I am on maternity leave, I am getting more over all, however, it’s still not comfortable, or very restful. I’m pretty tired most of the time.

Best moment this week:Β it was a really relaxing week, but the best part was the at-home date J and I had. we made tri tip, homemade mashed potatoes, green beans, and had sparkling grape juice from trader joes (so yummy) and watched a great movie. it was perfect.

Food cravings: I had a pumpkin spice muffin from Mimi’s Cafe on monday and I’ve wanted another one ever since πŸ˜›

Food aversions: nothing

Gender: precious baby girl

Symptoms: the braxtonΒ hicks contractions have picked up and are even feeling a little bit more crampy, hip pain is getting pretty bad, I’ve had a general feeling of ickiness the last couple of days, and fatigue is still there like always πŸ˜›

Belly Button in or out? still in πŸ™‚

Wedding rings on or off? off

Happy or Moody most of the time: pretty happy thinking this baby could be here any day but no more than 5 weeks from now πŸ™‚

Looking forward to: another great doctor’s appointment on tuesday, sewing a nursing cover and some nursing pads this week

What I miss: laying on my stomach

Movement: she’s still fighting for space in there. a lot.

Doctor’s appointment: tuesday’s appointment was great. he said everything looked wonderful with baby girl, and dr. L reassured me that I should have no problem with labor and delivery as I have large hips perfect for birth πŸ˜›

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Bump Update: 36 Weeks

36 Weeks

How far along: 36 weeks

Baby’s size: large cantaloupe (19 to 22 inches, 6 pounds)

Total weight gain: 35 pounds

Maternity clothes: same shirts with regular pants, although now that I am officially on maternity leave, it will probably be yoga and sweat pants from here on out πŸ™‚

Stretch marks? yeah same clusters, but they seem to be less angry-looking this week

Sleep: has not been very restful or comfortable

Best moment this week: so much good stuff happened this week. my work threw us a lovely baby shower, I finished my last week of work, and we had our childbirth class which was very informative.

Food cravings: pretty much sweets of all kinds

Food aversions: cucumbers are not my favorite thing anymore, which is weird, I usually love them in salads

Gender: ribbons and bows

Symptoms: so tired, my back aches pretty much all the time, heartburn is wicked, and I’m pretty sure little girl is right on my bladder because I feel like I spend more time in restrooms than out of them.

Belly Button in or out? still technically in, although very flat

Wedding rings on or off? off

Happy or Moody most of the time: pretty happy

Looking forward to: some rest this week, re-packing the hospital bags (the childbirth class gave me some different ideas), and getting the house more in order

What I miss: sushi. my lovely coworkers gave J and I a satori gift card at our baby shower – they thought we could use something for us and not just for little girl. I am so excited.

Movement: yep. she’s been getting the hiccups way more frequently and she likes to throw private dance parties

Doctor’s appointment: on tuesday

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Bump Update: 35 Weeks

How far along? 35 weeks. today marks 35/35: 35 weeks down, 35 days until due date πŸ˜€

Baby’s size: large cantaloupe (19 to 22 inches, 5.5 pounds)

Total weight gain: 31.5 pounds

Maternity clothes: still wearing pre-pregnancy pants/skirts with maternity tops

Stretch marks? yes, they seem to be getting larger. that’s a bummer.

Sleep: awful. I was awake for at least an hour at 3:30 this morning. for no reason. boo.

Best moment this week: thanksgiving, although I missed seeing my mom because she wasn’t feeling well. we also put up our Christmas tree. and I saw twilight breaking dawn 2.

Food cravings: all the yummy thanksgiving food this week

Food aversions: nothing this week

Gender: pink pink pink

Symptoms: fatigue, hip pain, backache, heartburn, shortness of breathe

Belly Button in or out? still in

Wedding rings on or off? off 😦

Happy or Moody most of the time: happy

Looking forward to: my work is throwing us a baby shower this week

What I miss: not struggling to pick things up off the floor

Movement: oh yeah, she’s a mover

Doctor’s appointment: went really well, although dr. L put through a wrench into our plans for how much longer I am going to work. I was planning on working the first two weeks of december and then taking off, but, dr. L has recommended that I don’t work in december at all. he thinks spending more time laying down in the last month can help prevent preeclampsia. so this coming friday will be my last day at work.

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running out of womb

we are running out of room in the womb over here. baby girl has been making itΒ known for the pastΒ 48 hours just how uncomfortable she is in there. mostly by making it uncomfortable for the mama πŸ˜› she presses her little feet or her little bottom up and out causing my belly to move into weird contorted angles and she will shove herself so far up into my rib cage that it’s hard to breathe. but it’s always up. I keep wanting to tell her down is the direction she needs to go to be able to get out, but it’s too soon for that, so I just laugh at the weird shapes my belly takes on, try to comfort her a little with some belly rubbing, and tell her that I’m sorry she is so uncomfortable but that she will have to remain put for at least another 3 more weeks, at least until full term. chances are she will be in there for at least another 6 as most first timeΒ moms don’t deliver before their due date. so hopefully I keep expanding, making more room for my stretcher.

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Bump Update: 34 Weeks

this smile says “this is as good as it gets when I don’t feel good” πŸ˜›

How far along? 34 weeks

Baby’s size: pineapple (19 to 22 inches, 4.9 pounds)

Total weight gain: 30 pounds

Maternity clothes: on top yes, bottoms are still pre-pregnancy with the beband.

Stretch marks? same ones that appeared a few weeks ago

Sleep: I actually slept a LOT this week being sick. I was surprised, but relieved.

Best moment this week: we had some photos taken by our wedding photographer, Allison Lal. I can’t wait to see the results.

Food cravings: chocolate covered peppermint jo-jo’sΒ from trader joes. I love/hate this time of year and all the yummy holiday goodies that come out.

Food aversions: nothing

Gender: girlie girl

Symptoms: heartburn, backache, fatigue. I was sick this week so that was no fun.

Belly Button in or out? still technically in. even the top part that was completely flat last week seems like it is more in πŸ˜›

Wedding rings on or off? off for safety, but I did wear them at our photo shoot and they were fine.

Happy or Moody most of the time: being sick has left me pretty moody this week

Looking forward to: feeling all the way better, Thanksgiving, spending time with family.

What I’m procrastinating on: packing the hospital bag (not sure why, I’m just totally dragging my feet on this one)

What I miss: being able to pick things off the floor

Movement: yep, little one definitely likes to move-it, move-it

Doctor’s appointment: on tuesday. looking forward to it.

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baby shower

our baby shower was beautiful. I can’t thank my mother – and sister-in-law enough for all of the hard work and preparation they did to make it so amazing. this post is going to be pretty photo heavy to show you just how wonderful it was. the food was delicious, the decorations were amazing, and the games were so much fun! thank you to everyone who came to celebrate this baby and who showered us with love.

yummy food

cute little girl clothes

little girl is all set for next season thanks to Aunt Kristy

people having fun

one of the games…sculpt a baby in 90 seconds

sister-in-law. and hubby lurking in the background πŸ˜›

artwork made by my sister-in-law of one of my favorite sayings for the nursery. “no one else will ever know the strength of my love for you. After all, you are the only one who has heard my heart beat from the inside.”

my gramma, dad, and I

my mom, and J’s grandma

my amazing sister-in-law used photos of J and I to make the silhouettes for this game card – I’m not sure why this one picture keeps turning on its side

this one is a little awkward of me, but behind me you can see where there were diapers set up to write funny messages on for our late night changes, and there was a onsie for everyone to sign as the guest book – that will go in the shadow box with some other items.

I am sad that we didn’t pay attention to what photos were being taken though. I didn’t get any with my mom, or with my mother-in-law, and there isn’t a good one of J and I. so that is a bummer. oh, and my dress? I made it. it was my first sewn garment and I’m pretty pleased with myself. there are of course, a couple of things I don’t like about it, but overall, it was a successful first attempt at sewing clothing. and there were people who complimented me on the dress before knowing I had made it myself, so I would consider that a win πŸ™‚

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